Troubleshooting Guide::
1. Check for kinks in tubing. Especially at the reservoir.
2. Check for air in the line.
3. Check reservoir for fluid level. Should be 1⁄2 or slightly more full.
4. After all of the above- Upgrade to Z firmware
Upgrading to Latest Firmware
1. Updating Firmware to latest version E:
2. Upgrading to Z if drifting use pin 5588
Reservoir: Filling or Bleeding Air
Display: Bleeding Air or Replacing Display
1. If the level has a bleed plug and grey plastic around the plug you can bleed through the bleed plug. If the plastic around the plug is black do not open or adjust the plug. This will void the warranty. Bleeding older units.
2. If there is no bleed plug or the plastic around the plug is black remove the tubing and bleed through the air out as you reconnect the tubing. Replacing display, bleeding air, replacing tubing at the display - YouTube
Untangling Tubing
CAL Error
1. Perform a hard rest- remove one battery and hold the power switch down as you replace the battery.
2. Upgrade to Z firmware. See above
Perform a calibration. See attached instructions.
Device Compatibility
BT Compatibility iPhone 7 or later updated to iOS 11 or later, iPad, 5th, 6th and 7th generation iPad with an A9 or bigger processor
EEE Error
1. What version FW are they running?
2. Upgrade to Z
3. Hard reset- remove battery and replace while holding Power switch on
Level beeps when switch is pressed but no reading on the LCD.
1. More than likely the LCD is damaged or not working. The readings can still be seen in the app if they connect the BT.
Correct way to secure reservoir.
Wrong way, tubing is crimped by the knob.
The reservoir should be appx 2/3 full and free from air and bubbles.